Intro. As we know Buck Knives have been around since Noah sailed off into the sunset in his big boat. One thing I know about Buck Knives is you can trust them. Recently I bought this Decatur Model....
Category: Blog
Intro. The focus for this article is more for fixed blade Knives. Ever since I was a boy I have been drawn towards knives. I see them as an essential companion for almost everything I do, wherever...
Intro. I'll try not to get too nerdy about the metallurgy of what happens to steel for it to be transformed from soft steel into hard and brittle steel, however some technical detail needs to be...
The Wonderful Art and Craft of Knife Manufacturing. From Raw Steel to Awesome Knives. Intro. Who really knows when the first steel knife was made, but we do know it was more than a couple of...
Intro. This is not a nice subject to talk about but as a knife enthusiast it is something that is important to be aware of. I live in Perth, Western Australia, by all accounts it's a safe city...
Intro. Although this article is intended as a post on the legality if carrying a knife I thought it might be a good idea to include a little bit of data regarding the use of knives and the...